Is the Irish budget the 'Paranormal Activity' the new 'Blair Witch Project'?
Check out the trailer w/ release date info on budget day
Its capacity to terrify you is like the new 'Blair Witch Project' So what am I talking about? Oren Peli's Paranormal Activity that's what. And I should know about the stress and lengths a dedicated horror budget that is coming to a home near you when our Finance Minister get his teeth into your body and extracts his revenge of how you have spent the last years of your life.
Until now it's only been whispered about in the far, dark reaches of the unknown, maybe we should hire this videogame designer named Oren Peli, as he has the knack of making products that turn into million sellers to run this country, and swop places with the clowns who are doing a mighty ‘horror’ job, but are spending like there will be no payback time, just a public audience (the ordinary joe and mary) who will pay every week for the rest of their life and their kids life in taxes even Steven Spielberg is scared of what is coming down the road to a home near you… (or is it your home is next) Your Nama bank manager likes getting their teeth into real lived in homes, especially the homes with kids!!!
Like 'The Blair Witch Project', 'Paranormal Activity' looks likely to be a slow burning tale with foreboding chilling atmosphere preferred over gory special effects. Forget about the couple surviving the night at their haunted house, the big question is will the audiences survive the huge expectations of the Nama bill that are more used to gore and cheap shocks when seeing a horror that is coming to a home near you of late?
On Monday, Rich Greenfield of Pali Research posted an item about the film under the headline, “Scariest Movie of All Time?”
"On the social-networking sites, everybody's talking Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Limerick, Galway and all other regions of Ireland, about how freaking scary this budget is," so you are left wondering is it worth going out to work for a boss who just hands over your hard earned money to those ‘horror’ guys in the dail to spend on trips to the races with their wags… and 150 mph mercs with drivers who both feel they are the un-touchable.
Well T/G I had the sense to start working from home before all this scary stuff started to come down our road, I took advice from Robert T. Kiyosaki who fore warned us of the Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: and you may follow along on